Sheriff Daisy will start a fight with you instead of asking for help against the hostile gangs. Once you enter Downtown Colorado Springs, you'll immediately get pulled into a conversation between Sheriff Daisy and the gangs. Unfortunately, the vehicle elevator into Downtown Colorado Springs will still be locked. Interact with the War Room computer/console and identify yourself as command to disable the system alert for Ranger HQ. Once you’ve canceled the alert on each of the three computers mentioned in the rooms above, head to the War Room.

Depending on who you recruited for each area, you won't have to fight everyone. These can be found in the Garage, Armory, and Brig. To disable the alarms, you'll have to fight through the traitors to find three different computers inside. Otherwise, you can head to the final battle in Downtown Colorado Springs without the Kodiak. If you want to bring the Kodiak to Downtown Colorado Springs, you'll need to disable three alarms inside. Two sides have formed and the Rangers are at each other's throats. Now that you've finished dealing with which companions will stay for the final fight, you have to reclaim the Ranger HQ.

You'll have to re-enter using the Ranger HQ and this will lead to an optional battle. On your way back to Colorado Springs, Angela Deth will inform you that the town has been locked down by the Patriarch. By working with Cordite, you're choosing to go against the Patriarch. Unlike other ending paths, you won't have a decision when leaving Yuma County to side with Angela Deth or the Patriarch. Choosing to go forward with this will lead to the Gangs All Here mission starting when leaving Yuma County. If you tell him yes, he'll ask again to make sure, saying that his gangs may get out of control. Once you've dealt with Liberty, Cordite will ask if he should bring his gangs to Colorado Springs. To trigger this primary mission instead of the normal Promises Made, Promises Kept, one, you'll need to bring Ironclad Cordite with you to Liberty Buchanan.