In the example, the clip in focus is set to a value of “Pgm 3” which will select the third preset in the list. In the “Notes” section of the device interface, use the bottom field to set the program number.Create some dummy clips (a clip with no notes) by double clicking in a clip slot for the device holding Absynth.Drag sounds you would like in your preset change list to the “Program List”.If the “On” button is lit, Absynth listens for MIDI program changes. Click “Programs” if it’s not lit in green.To access this feature, click on the “Browser” tab. Click the Browser tab Absynth has a featured called “Program Lists”.In this article I illustrate how this works with step-by-step instructions on how to to use MIDI program change in Ableton Live to change presets in Native Instruments Absynth. You can also use it as a list of MIDI program changes. Absynth’s “Program List” is a great way to organize your favorite presets for studio or performance work.