Maggie Smith, Denholm Eliot, Helena Bonham Carter, and Daniel Day-Lewis. When you're focussing on the contribution of a particular person, start with that person's name. Gwyneth Paltrow, Aaron Eckhart, Jennifer Ehle, and Jeremy Northam. Lumi Cavazos, Marco Lombardi, and Regina Torne. To include additional pertinent information, insert it between the title and distributor.

Distributor, Year of Release.īubba Ho-Tep. These formats apply to both electronic and print sources. The following list explains what information needs to be included for various situations in a parenthetical citation. This handout uses italics rather than underlining, but you should always respect your instructor's format preferences. The MLA Handbook specifies underlining for the titles of periodicals, books, or plays, but does accept italics as an alternative.

MLA style always uses "double quotation marks" for the title of an article, chapter, or short poem. It is important to keep in mind, however, that these two "arguments".are really two faces of a single argument, an argument defining democracy, in part, as that form of government which recognizes the necessity of certain luxuries.

Note that if you provide the author's name in the sentence, you don't have to include it in the parentheses. The following examples show how to punctuate around quotations and citations. Parenthetical references should be placed where a pause in the sentence would naturally occur but as close as possible to the relevant idea or quotation. In-text citations (also called parenthetical references) include the author's last name and the location where the information appears.