There are, of course, the occasional glitches to correct when running an emulator, but the Bluestacks 3 software designers really have done a fine job of minimizing such operator experience woes. Also, with a computer hooked up to a nice set of HiFi speakers, too, music and video Apps will look and sound better if they're emulated on a Windows computer. A 17-inch monitor, plus a keyboard and mouse, make it far easier to play tricky games. That's good, especially if the person running the software is a little clumsy, has bigger than average fingers, or there's an issue with the user's vision. So the emulator front-end creates a full-screen window.

That's what Bluestacks 3 can do for Android owners the program creates a richer, deeper interactive experience. A game, perhaps one that was too hard to control with two shaky fingers, becomes easier to take charge of now, with the controls assigned to a group of keyboard shortcuts.

A mouse or a keyboard can replace a finger touch or sweep of a thumb. Since the emulated smartphone interface is loaded on a Windows computer, other ways of manipulating the programs suddenly become available.

Then, with the cloud-based, virtualization optimized utility loaded, an Android smartphone devotee gets access to a whole new way of interacting with those mobile applications and games. This program emulates an Android interface and allows Windows owners to install Play Store Apps on their systems. However, what if that gaming experience could be replicated at home? What if Google Play Apps and games could be installed on a desktop computer? That's where Blustacks 3 comes in handy. That being said, Android smartphone owners sometimes find it difficult to master mobile games, especially when the outside world interferes. When they're finished with an App, though, it's time to play a favorite game. On the move, they read the news, check out the latest weather forecasts, and pull up music downloads. Mobile smartphone users have gotten used to manipulating tiny icons. After the emulator is primed and prepped, the software engine creates a full-screen Android front-end, complete with rows of well-known Apps, as furnished by the super-popular Google Play store. In short, by installing this software, smartphone owners can install Apps on their computers. Sure to make Android smartphone owners sit up and pay attention, Bluestacks 3 is intended to blur the lines between the Windows computer interface and the mobile user interface used by Android devices.